Resin Art Techniques

Resin Art is a fun, safe, and satisfying pastime that is very rewarding. It is also an excellent little side hustle to make some extra coin that helps cover the costs of your hobby. Here at Resinzwood, Resin Wood Tables NZ, we will show you and guide you on how to get the most out of your Resin Art experiences. We aim to give you an insight into where to start using our excellent, High-Quality, high-epoxy resins while having fun getting sticky.
With resin art, there's no such thing as a mess. Every creation is part of a valuable learning curve. So, always feel energized by your work. Some of our biggest messes have turned into our most profitable creations.
How To Dirty Pour Resin
In this section, learn all about Dirty Pours with resin and acrylics. You will find videos and tutorials that we have made over time, covering different concepts, tips, and tricks.
Learn About Epoxy Resin With Resin Wood Tables NZ
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Dirty Pour Epoxy Art For Beginners
Colour Passion Pastes
Colour Passion pastes are the best quality and price here on Resin Wood Tables NZ. We have online tutorials under our how to section. All purchases receive a gift pack
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