Kia Ora Friends and Whanau, Checkout this new DIY tutorial about how to make the ultimate multi coloured cheeseboards with Resin Wood Tables NZ. Use our products for best quality finishes at the best prices in New Zealand.

We were New Zealand's first commercial maker of Bespoke ocean and river tables and we are proudly the leaders in the NZ market today. Resin Wood Tables NZ import the finest quality resins and pigments as we continue to expand bringing you online tutorials for all types of resin crafts as we want you to craft and create beautiful pieces from your home.

DIY Tutorial Options.

  1. You can purchase moulds or molds if that floats your boat directly from our site as kitsets. These are either made from MDF, Form Ply or Professional graded ones that we will custom make to the size you want from HDPE. You will soon be able to purchase Kiln dried timbers for 600mm x 300mm moulds from an assortment of NZ Natives including Swamp Kauri. We have an ever growing range of the Highest Quality, Resins, Pigments and Dyes for you to craft your own amazing pieces.
  2. You can use this DIY tutorial as a guide purchasing other products that may not be up to a standard that we recommend and if you go this way we still wish you well with your creations. Just remember, by purchasing products from our online store you will also get professional help 7 days a week by contacting us through our Resin Wood Tables NZ Facebook, Email or by our phone: 021966387 This is our commitment to our loyal customers that we want to see succeed. 

DIY Tutorial Guideline

  1. Purchase a mould or mold kit
  2. Purchase our Highest Quality Ocean Cast epoxy resins, along with our pigments, dyes or glitters along with other fun creative things you want to use.
  3. Once you receive your package and want to get creative just know that we are here for you every step of the way with our other tutorials or other forms of help.
  4. Once you have crafted your piece send us photos so we can show them off to the world or you can post them directly to our other page Epoxy Resin Ideas Global 

Online Video Tutorial

Watch the full video here to get the most out valuable information. Text tutorial will be coming soon as a PDF


All Subscribers will go in the monthly giveaway draw on the first of the month. Winners Published on Resin Wood Tables NZ Facebook page.